Secret Pants Sketch Comedy (video)
Once upon a time, in a land far, far north of center city Philadelphia, there lived a sketch comedy group named Secret Pants. They were not big, nor strong, but they shared a warm fondness for making others laugh, and a similar fondness for drinking and watching re-rums of Parker Lewis Can't Loose. Together, they created a sketch comedy website – - and created sketch comedy that has been described as "hilarious and ribald," "charming, endearing, and funny enough to get awa (Author: Secret Pants Sketch Comedy (video))
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Recent episodes from Secret Pants Sketch Comedy (video)
Published: Aug 18, 08A heartwarming story about friendship, growing up, dead people, and other stupid shit like that. Based upon the novella by Stephen King.
Published: Aug 5, 08At Sulivan Cheating Center, we'll teach your child how to succeed without ever learning anything. Come take a closer look!
Published: Aug 5, 08At Sulivan Cheating Center, we'll teach your child how to succeed without ever learning anything. Come take a closer look!
Published: Jul 22, 08We go to Independence National Park in Old City Philadelphia to see if people can tell the difference between George W. Bush and the 1960’s TV Batman.
Published: Jul 8, 08On July 7th of 2008, Secret Pants tries, as best they can, to explain exactly what they have been doing with themselves for the last **ahem** six months.
Published: Jul 8, 08PlasmaBlaster 3000: The toy nobody wants, but we tricked your parents into thinking it was cool!
Published: Apr 25, 07A bizarre manifestation of ingenuity...and a mystery that would plague historians for centuries.
Published: Apr 25, 07A bizarre manifestation of ingenuity...and a mystery that would plague historians for centuries.
Published: Mar 23, 07They were just two American kids, growing up in the heartland.
Published: Mar 23, 07They were just two American kids, growing up in the heartland.
Published: Feb 26, 07"I've reviewed the tape, and he certainly seems to respond to visualstimuli." - Bill Frist, (R - Tennessee)
Published: Feb 26, 07"I've reviewed the tape, and he certainly seems to respond to visualstimuli." - Bill Frist, (R - Tennessee)
Published: Feb 13, 07All you can stomach.
Published: Feb 13, 07All you can stomach.
Published: Jan 30, 07Brought to you by Tostitos.
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