- Dennis Prager
News & Politics
Host: Dennis Prager EmailBroadcasting from his home station of KRLA in Los Angeles, the Dennis Prager Show is heard across the country. Everything in life – from politics to religion to relationships – is grist for Dennis’ mill. If it’s interesting, if it affects your life, then Dennis will be talking about it – with passion, humor, insight and wisdom. Listen to Dennis and listen to your life change – for the better. (Author: Dennis Prager)
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Recent episodes from - Dennis Prager
Published: Sep 9, 08Prager H3: The most important verse of the Bible may be the first. “…God created the heavens and the earth”; that is, God created nature. He is above nature. But now we are reverting to nature worship. The result: nature is more important than humans. Those who cry over trees are less likely to cry over humans.
Published: Sep 9, 08Prager H2: Kim Jong Il, the brutal dictator of N Korea, has been stricken by a stroke, according to reports. Dennis hopes he dies painfully. Some callers are upset with his position… A British comedian made rude, unfunny comments about GW and Sarah Palin Sunday night at the MTV Video Music Awards – pretty much what we’ve come to expect from MTV.
Published: Sep 9, 08Prager H1: Sarah Palin attended a Pentecostal church until six years ago. This is the Palin “scandal” du jour. This one has no more purchase than all the over “scandals.”
Published: Sep 8, 08Prager H3: Dennis plays the audio from a YouTube video that shows Earth First members sobbing over some dead trees. It plays like a parody, but it appears to be legitimate… Tom Brokaw on Meet the Press and George Stephanopoulous on This Week gave Joe Biden and Barack Obama, respectively, a tough time, the former over his ties to big Delaware corporations and lobbyists, and the latter over the success of The Surge.
Published: Sep 8, 08Prager H2: Dennis talks to Charles Murray, best selling author, social scientist, and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. His new book is Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America's Schools Back to Reality.
Published: Sep 8, 08Prager H1: Post convention, John McCain has a 10 point lead among likely voters, according to the USAToday… Keith Olbermann has been pushed off the MSNBC election anchor desk. He was embarrassing the network and they finally had enough… The European Union wants to ban all sexist ads. But who decides what is sexist?... Speaking of embarrassments, David Letterman made a fool of himself during a conversation with Dr. Phil about Sarah Palin… But, as usual, Michael Moore wins the prize talking
Published: Sep 5, 08Prager H1: The Republican candidate gave a very moving speech last night. He talked more about himself than he has in the past; and his personal story is inspiring. Dennis analyzes the speech and gets listener reaction.
Published: Sep 5, 08Prager H3: According to early reports, more people listened to John McCain than did to Barack Obama…. Dennis plays more McCain cuts and evaluates its effectiveness.
Published: Sep 5, 08Prager H2: Upon the conclusion of the Republican convention, Dennis dwells on a theme with both political and personal implications: does security or liberty bring you more happiness? Dennis comes down on the latter.
Published: Sep 4, 08Prager H3: Sarah Palin has put Alaska on the map. Wassila is the best known small town in America right now. Dennis takes several calls from Alaska and analyzes clips from the Palin speech… Dennis also plays clips from Rudy Guiliani's speech which was also terrific - sharp and to the point.
Published: Sep 4, 08Prager H2: The Republican nominee's judgment was on the line last night. Sarah Palin confirmed that judgment with her spectacular speech… Dennis talks to Captain Charles Plumb who served with John McCain and was also a POW in N. Viet Nam… Dennis talks to Orin Hatch, Senator from Utah.
Published: Sep 4, 08Prager H1: Sarah Palin introduced herself to the American people last night. She gave a remarkable speech. Content and delivery were superb, but there was something more. She connected with audience at the stadium and on TV. Dennis describes his personal reaction. Callers weigh in with their impressions.
Published: Sep 3, 08Prager H2: The Left says "we know nothing about Sarah Palin, but we don't like her." Shouldn't they at least be agnostic? But they're not. Why? Because she's conservative and she's a woman, an anathema to the Left… Dennis talks to Michigan congressman, Tim Walberg.
Published: Sep 3, 08Prager H1: Dennis talks to Norm Coleman, Minnesota Senator, about his race against comedian Al Franken… Coleman makes an excellent point in support of Sarah Palin: great speeches don't pick up the garbage. As a mayor and governor, Sarah Palin has had to make all sorts of executive decisions and been held accountable for them; not so, for Barack Obama. Dennis talks to former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert… Dennis talks to Mike Cox, attorney general of Michigan and one of the future s
Published: Sep 3, 08Prager H3: Dennis talks to NY Times columnist, David Brooks. Once an Obama fan, Brooks has been disappointed. Brooks thought Obama was post-modern politician, but he turns out to be a garden-variety Democrat…. Sarah Palin's speech will be heard by more people than any VP candidate in history. That's the positive side of all this media madness. If she does well, she may turn these attacks around.
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