The Verbcast - French Verbs By Relaxation

Language Courses
A four-week series of programmes which will allow you to revise and improve your knowledge of French verbs in four main tenses. The podcast uses relaxation techniques to help you learn. Join thousands of French students across the world who are "sitting back, closing their eyes, and suddenly knowing their French verbs!" More information can be found on the Partners in Excellence website. (Author: Mark Pentleton)
Author Mark Pentleton

Recent episodes from The Verbcast - French Verbs By Relaxation

  • Published: Aug 20, 06
    Week 1: Monday. This first edition of the VerbCast includes an introduction to verbs and covers regular -er verbs in the present tense using "parler" as an example.
  • Published: Aug 19, 06
    Week 1: Tuesday. In the second edition of the VERBcast you will cover regular -ir and -re verbs. The example verbs used are finir and vendre. The VERBcast will help you to get to grips with a range of regular and irregular verbs over a four-week period.
  • Published: Aug 18, 06
    Week 1: Wednesday. The third edition of the VERBcast introduces you to four irregular verbs, four of the most common irregular verbs! You'll learn avoir, être, faire and aller.
  • Published: Aug 17, 06
    Week 1: Thursday. This fourth edition of the VERBcast covers another three irregular verbs: vouloir, pouvoir and savoir and teaches the present tense of these verbs through relaxation techniques.
  • Published: Aug 16, 06
    Week 1: Friday. The fifth edition of the VERBcast covers four more irregular verbs: dire, écrire, dormir and prendre. We also cover comprendre as a derivative of prendre.
  • Published: Aug 15, 06
    Week 2: Monday. Today's edition of the VERBcast covers three more irregular verbs in the present tense: mettre, connaître and croire.
  • Published: Aug 14, 06
    Week 2: Tuesday. In today's verbcast we cover the final few irregular verbs on our list. These are venir (along with its derivatives devenir and revenir), partir and sortir. We also move on to look at reflexive verbs in the present tense.
  • Published: Aug 13, 06
    Week 2: Wednesday. On tonight's show we start looking at the perfect tense. We cover how to form the past participles of regular verbs, and cover the irregular past participles faire, pouvoir, vouloir, savoir and connaître.
  • Published: Aug 12, 06
    Week 2: Thursday. Today's VERBcast covers a range of irregular verbs in the perfect tense. All of tonight's verbs conjugate with avoir and include mettre, dormir, écrire, dire, avoir and être.
  • Published: Aug 11, 06
    Week 2: Friday. This final VERBcast for week 2 covers the remaining verbs in the perfect tense, in particular looking at verbs which form the perfect tense with être. Reflexive verbs in the perfect tense are also covered.
  • Published: Aug 10, 06
    Week 3: Monday. In the first VERBcast for week 3 we cover the ideas behind the imperfect tense. We look at one of the main situations in which it's used, and conjugate the regular -er verb parler in the imperfect as an example.
  • Published: Aug 9, 06
    Week 3: Tuesday. Today's programme goes more deeply into the imperfect tense, covering -re and -ir verbs, and also looks at other situations in which the imperfect is used.
  • Published: Aug 8, 06
    Week 3: Wednesday. In today's VerbCast we finish off the Imperfect Tense by looking at the one irregular imperfect tense, être. We also look at the way in which the rest of our irregular verbs are formed in the imperfect tense.
  • Published: Aug 7, 06
    Week 3: Thursday. Today's VerbCast tests your knowledge of imperfect tenses with an interactive audio quiz. You'll have to give the imperfect tense for a number of verbs and we'll talk you through forming them in the imperfect tense.
  • Published: Aug 6, 06
    Week 3: Friday. Today's VerbCast begins to revise everything we've covered so far. We'll go through all the present tense material covered in week 1.