The A To Z Chinese Audio Podcast
Education is the easiest way to get you speaking Chinese from the very first lesson or improve your level of Chinese with the Intermediate and Advanced lessons. (Author: A to Z Chinese Podcast Team)
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Recent episodes from The A To Z Chinese Audio Podcast
Published: Aug 22, 08Chinese government has been raising or cutting stamp duty on stock transaction to maintain a healthy stock market. If you are interested in investing in stocks or just want to have a good conversation with your Chinese friends about stocks, this dialogue may help you gather some idea.
Published: Aug 18, 08So you wanted to take a trip by train to Beijing and visit the great wall. You wanted to go to Xian to see the terracotta warriors. So what was it that stopped you? You didn't know how to ask for train tickets. Well here at A to Z Chinese we can fix that problem and have you onboard the train in no time. Into days lesson you will learn how to ask for and buy train tickets in mandarin Chinese.
Published: Aug 17, 08中国是一个含蓄的民族,在民间也流传了许许多多浪漫的爱情故事。不但人与人谈情,还有人与神相爱,人与鬼相恋的传说,编织了一个个天上人间地下无处不在的爱情故事。西方有情人节,中国也有情人节,就是农历七月七日,也就是公历八月四号前后,到了这一天,你可以向心爱的人大胆的表白你的爱情。
Published: Aug 11, 08At this stage if your viewing the beginner lessons we don't expect that you're fluent with the 4000 plus characters that you need to be able to read the Chinese newspaper. What were looking at is the choice, if you were not aware, you can get a newspaper the China Daily which is printed in English. Some times you just want to know what's happening in the world with out suffering a brain aneurism trying to follow the Chinese paper. Its all about knowing what to ask, so in today's lesson we show
Published: Aug 8, 08圣诞节本来是西方国家的一个非常重要的家庭团聚和喜庆的节日,而东西文化的互相交流及影响,让越来越多的中国人爱上了西方的圣诞节。不管什么样的圣诞礼物,只要你为对方花了心思,相信他(她)一定会喜欢的。有时候礼物的贵重并不在价钱的高低,只要你们彼此相爱,又真正考虑到了对方所需,那你的礼物对他(她)来说就是独一无二的。
Published: Aug 7, 08Korean TV shows have been popular in China since seven or eight years ago. Some people might think that the structure and the plot of Korean TV dramas is a bit old-fashioned ... always Cinderella becoming a princess. However, it has lots Chinese fans especially younger generation. Watch the dialogue, you may understand why Korean TV dramas are so popular in China.
Published: Aug 4, 08Its happened to everyone at one point, that annoying phone call in the middle of the night asking for someone you've never heard of. What do you do when that happens to you in China? Simple with the help of today's lesson you'll be able to tell this person that they have the wrong number and hopefully you wont get another call. Or you may be the caller with the wrong number and in that case you'll be able to understand when your told you have the wrong number.
Published: Jul 29, 08In China, May Day holiday usually lasts a week, which is also called Golden Week. The weather is always good, not so hot, not so cold, and you can escape from busy work or study for a week because it is a national holiday . Lets watch the dialogue to find out more…
Published: Jul 28, 08By chance you've met a girl and things seem to be going great. You want to see her again. You want to get her phone number so you can arrange to meet up at a later date. How do you ask for her phone number? And how do you make sure you get her mobile and not her home phone number? Your in luck because today's lesson will show you how to ask for a phone number and specifically ask for the mobile number.
Published: Jul 25, 08火把节是中国的农历六月二十四日,也就是阳历八月前后,由中国的55个民族中的彝族举办的,人们一般要狂欢三日三夜,是彝族最隆重、最壮观,参与人数也最多的节日,民族气息极为浓厚,真可谓是彝族人民的“超级盛典”了。
Published: Jul 22, 08Arriving late to work or arriving late to meet friends is bound to happen. Common causes are sleeping through alarms or problems with public transport. In China when you are late you need to apologise same as everywhere else. If a girl is late for a date its acceptable but if the boy is late for the date he had better have a good reason (a bit of a double standard). So after today's lesson you will know how to apologise for your lateness.
Published: Jul 19, 08每年一到泼水节,云南各地就成了欢乐的海洋,泼在身上的水花象征了幸福,健康与爱情,这就是云南特有的节日-泼水节,这个地方居住着一个少数民族-傣族,傣族有着悠久的文化历史。泼水节除了大家相互泼水外,还有赛龙舟,斗鸡,诵经,跳舞等等,场面是非常的热闹。
Published: Jul 14, 08Knowing your Chinese zodiac is important, if you go out with friends they will always talk about blood types and zodiacs. In China different blood types are used to indicate different personalities. The zodiacs can be used to check peoples compatibility. For example a chicken and a dog make a poor combination for a couple. These views are not as common as they were but you will still hear people talking about them.
Published: Jul 11, 08皮影戏是世界上最早的由人配音的影画艺术,它发源于西汉时期的陕西省,是一种历史悠久,流传很广的民间艺术。可惜,近来由于电影戏剧艺术的发展以及皮影戏特殊的高要求工艺及表演方式,而且现在的中国年轻人不愿意去学习专门艺术,所以皮影戏渐渐面临着失传的困境。
Published: Jul 7, 08In China you may not want other people to know when your birthday is. Its customary for the person having the birthday to take all of their friends out for dinner and pay for everything. So the more popular that you are the more you have to spend. Its always better to ask someone else when their birthday is so that you get an invite to dinner where they have to pay rather than you paying.
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