Oxm Video Podcast

The Official Video Podcast of the Official Xbox Magazine (Author: Official Xbox Magazine)
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Recent episodes from Oxm Video Podcast

  • Published: Jan 29, 08
    For those among us who love Ninja Gaiden, there has been a gaping hole left since Ryu last slashed his way into our hearts. The wait is over as Team Ninja prepares to release Ninja Gaiden 2 upon the helpless masses. OXM's Ryan McCaffrey was brave enough to throw a few shuriken-like questions at [...]
  • Published: Nov 16, 07
    Rock Band mania is here! This is a really fun game but it can be extremely challenging at the upper difficulty settings. Many of you will buy it, most will try it yet only a select few will ascend to true rock glory. On your way, learn from our mistakes: beware the 'Endless Set List' [...]
  • Published: Oct 3, 07
    Halo 3!! Finally, the game we have all been waiting for! The game that that shatters records, destroys nations, cures cancer...now what? This week we explain the good, the bad and the Bungie: Everything you ever wanted to know...at least as it pertains to our experiences with the playground bully of Xbox 360 games. [...]
  • Published: Sep 11, 07
    Gamers aren't usually extroverted enough to perform on stage in front of thousands of screaming fans, but why should we miss out on all the fun of being a rock star? Problem solved: Rock band has you covered. This game is so fun, you won't care how much of a D-bag you look. So [...]
  • Published: Jul 25, 07
    While E3 wasn't the carnival of humanity it has been years past, there were still a ton of great games to see! This week we wanted to share our personal favs from the show. You might be *shocked*, you might *fallout* of your chair...but some of the games we picked aren't so obvious, unless [...]
  • Published: Jul 6, 07
    E3 is next week and we are busy making our plans, designs and what-not...but we wanted to share a little sneak-peek of what we are expecting to see and what really has us squirming with excitement. This years' E3 is going to be very different now that the event has been de-centralized so nobody [...]
  • Published: Jun 29, 07
    Fans of Japanese-style RPG's, this episode is gonna toast your muffin. Blue Dragon is one of the first RPG's for the 360, and it's hard to imagine a better one! With pedigree from the creators of the Final Fantasy & Dragonball series, this game is sure to delight many an Otaku . [...]
  • Published: Mar 27, 07
    Xbox 360 owners, the wait is over! The Guitar Hero tour is coming to a concert hall near you...very near...your living room! We love this game. Rocking out never felt so good in Guitar Hero II, one of the hottest games this spring. Red Octane invited us down to meet the team... and [...]
  • Published: Mar 13, 07
    The Skateboarding game market has been dominated by one franchise for a loooong time... enter *Skate* a more realistic skating game where players actually CANNOT rail-grind a chain link fence! Skate perhaps appeals to a more mature gamer, with realistic and intuitive controls. This podcast really gleams the cube with interviews with skating legends [...]
  • Published: Jan 31, 07
    This week, we're taking an in depth look at Crackdown, exclusively on the Xbox 360. This open-world, crime fighting game looks and plays like no other game out there: Imagine a graphic novel meets Grand Theft Auto... but with super-powers!) So, we've got 2 interviews with the developers and a giveaway contest to boot. Watch [...]
  • Published: Jan 18, 07
    This week we've got an early look at Def Jam: Icon with EA Chicago's big boss Kudo Tsunoda. This version of Def Jam has really taken a bold step forward in game design with the integration of the environment and music as instruments of battle...a fact that's gonna really hit home when you use [...]
  • Published: Nov 30, 06
    It's been awhile gang, forgive us, we've been very busy lately... busy playing Gears of War! Just about every night, we tear each other apart playing GOW multiplayer on Xbox Live. It isn't pretty... but it is fun. Since we've logged so many hours, we wanted to share some of our collective wisdom [...]
  • Published: Oct 31, 06
    We recently checked out Ubisoft's Splinter Cell Double Agent launch party and boy was Sam Fisher wasted! Passed out, acually. Too many Apple Martinis! We assumed the night was over, but we did get a chance to talk with the game producer about the single player mode. It's dark and loud in the club but [...]
  • Published: Oct 7, 06
    Hola Amigos! Just back from X06, Microsoft's convention in Barcelona, Spain. We've got a ton of interviews from Microsoft brass, top developers and sweet footage from hot games such as Gears of War, Assasins Creed and Bioshock! So sit back and enjoy the show! Oh, and PS: Peter Jackson sheds some light on his [...]