Military History Podcast
Bringing you the strangest anecdotes, innovative technology, and most significant events of Military History. (Author: George Hageman)
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Published: Jul 16, 08Welcome to military history podcast. My name is George Hageman. I donât have an episode for you today: only an announcement. I graduated from high school in June and in August, I will attending Harvard. I will no longer have the time to write and can no longer afford to voluntarily produce Military History podcast episodes. So, I am here to announce that I taking an extended leave from Military History Podcast. I intend to return periodically whenever I am of
Published: May 24, 08Whether they are seen as acts of God, or as simple climate-relatedoccurrences, natural events have always had a sizeable impact onmilitary operations. At the small end of the scale are the little changes in terrain or weather that may affect a battle or a small war. Forexample, many armies have postponed their campaigns due to inclementweather conditions, and many militaries have suffered from rampantdisease. On the other end of the scale are thetimes when nature has so much of an impact that
Published: May 3, 08Whether they are seen as acts of God, or as simple climate-relatedoccurrences, natural events have always had a sizeable impact on militaryoperations. At the small end of thescale are the little changes in terrain or weather that may affect a battle ora small war. For example, many armieshave postponed their campaigns due to inclement weather conditions, and manymilitaries have suffered from rampant disease. On the other end of the scale are the times when nature has so much ofa
Published: Apr 19, 08This episode covers the period between Bush's declaration of "MissionAccomplished" and the change in coalition leadership (from GeneralCasey to General Petraeus). The following major events and topics arediscussed:2003: Deaths of Saddam's two sons (Qusay and Uday), capture ofSaddam, Baathist Purge, National Museum looting, and Bremer'sdisbanding of the Iraqi Army.2004: Sectarian violence and displacement, Operation VigiliantResolve (1st Fallujah), Battle of Ramadi, Battle of Husa
Published: Apr 7, 08According to Lawrence Keeley, "90-95% of known societies engage inwar". Why? What compels homo sapiens to kill each other? Why do wefight? Part one will describe two hypotheses.War is Necessary:Aristotlesays in Nicomachean Ethics that "we fight war so that we may live inpeace". This notion is echoed by many other famous thinkers includingMarx (an advocate of a final proletarian revolution in order toestablish a worker's paradise) and Zoroaster (the first monotheist todiscuss
Published: Feb 18, 08President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, asouthern sympathizer and a self-proclaimed modern-day Brutus, on April14th, 1865 (five days after the end of the Civil War). Booth snuck intoLincoln's viewing Booth at the Ford's Theater while Lincoln waswatching "Our American Cousin" and shot him in the back of the head.Booth then jumped down onto the stage and ran out the back door. Theensuing manhunt eventually caught up with him in the swamps of thePotomac River. He
Published: Feb 18, 08President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, asouthern sympathizer and a self-proclaimed modern-day Brutus, on April14th, 1865 (five days after the end of the Civil War). Booth snuck intoLincoln's viewing Booth at the Ford's Theater while Lincoln waswatching "Our American Cousin" and shot him in the back of the head.Booth then jumped down onto the stage and ran out the back door. Theensuing manhunt eventually caught up with him in the swamps of thePotomac River. He
Published: Feb 9, 08Crassus was the wealthiest man in Rome. Before he joined the FirstTriumvirate with Pompey and Caesar, he struggled to make a name forhimself. His big break came with the outbreak of the Third ServileWar, when Spartacus led a slave rebellion throughout the ItalianPeninsula. Spartacus and his men wreaked havoc throughout the region,defeating several Roman legions. Although his original plan was toescape to Gaul and head home, Spartacus decided to head south towardsSicily.&n
Published: Feb 9, 08Crassus was the wealthiest man in Rome. Before he joined the FirstTriumvirate with Pompey and Caesar, he struggled to make a name forhimself. His big break came with the outbreak of the Third ServileWar, when Spartacus led a slave rebellion throughout the ItalianPeninsula. Spartacus and his men wreaked havoc throughout the region,defeating several Roman legions. Although his original plan was toescape to Gaul and head home, Spartacus decided to head south towardsSicily.&n
Published: Jan 26, 08Today's episode's script was written by Andrew Tumath of Aberdeen,United Kingdom. To submit your own script, please send them to me Anglo-Dutch Wars were a series of thedistinct conflicts waged between England and the United Provinces (modern-dayNetherlands) in the middle years of the 17th-century. Fought for differentreasons, alongside different allies, and with different results, the warspitted the two great maritime powers of the period against each
Published: Jan 26, 08Today's episode's script was written by Andrew Tumath of Aberdeen,United Kingdom. To submit your own script, please send them to me Anglo-Dutch Wars were a series of thedistinct conflicts waged between England and the United Provinces (modern-dayNetherlands) in the middle years of the 17th-century. Fought for differentreasons, alongside different allies, and with different results, the warspitted the two great maritime powers of the period against each
Published: Jan 12, 08This episode is an analysis of the environmental impacts of the currentwar in Iraq. There are several major categories, each of which will bediscussed. This episode is meant to be an overview of therarely-discussed ecological situation in Iraq, rather than a persuasivepiece towards one viewpoint or another. The entire episode willrevolve around environmental issues--political and strategic issues andbiases will not be included.Negative Effects:Oil Fires: Saddam lit oil wells on
Published: Jan 12, 08This episode is an analysis of the environmental impacts of the currentwar in Iraq. There are several major categories, each of which will bediscussed. This episode is meant to be an overview of therarely-discussed ecological situation in Iraq, rather than a persuasivepiece towards one viewpoint or another. The entire episode willrevolve around environmental issues--political and strategic issues andbiases will not be included.Negative Effects:Oil Fires: Saddam lit oil wells on
Published: Jan 1, 08John McCain Sr: Admiral, Commander of Fast Carrier Task Force in South Pacific during WWIIJohn McCain Jr: Admiral, Commander of Pacific Command during Vietnam WarJohn McCain III: Navy aviator, shot down in Hanoi, tortured as aprisoner of war for 5.5 years, currently running for Republicannomination for President of the United StatesOther presidential candidates with military experience are:Chris Dodd: Army ReserveMike Gravel: Lieutenant, Counter-Intelligence Corps (West Germany)Ron Paul: Captain
Published: Jan 1, 08John McCain Sr: Admiral, Commander of Fast Carrier Task Force in South Pacific during WWIIJohn McCain Jr: Admiral, Commander of Pacific Command during Vietnam WarJohn McCain III: Navy aviator, shot down in Hanoi, tortured as aprisoner of war for 5.5 years, currently running for Republicannomination for President of the United StatesOther presidential candidates with military experience are:Chris Dodd: Army ReserveMike Gravel: Lieutenant, Counter-Intelligence Corps (West Germany)Ron Paul: Captain
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