Learn German With German-podcast.de

Learn to understand, speak and read German with this free podcast. (Author: Stephan Wiesner)
Author Stephan Wiesner
Site http://german-podcast.blogspot.com/

Recent episodes from Learn German With German-podcast.de

  • Published: Aug 15, 08
    Ein Zungenbrecher ist ein tongue twister.Hier sind zwei Zungenbrecher:Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische.Fischt Fischers Fritze frische Fische?Bierbrauer Bauer braut braunes Bier, braunes Bier braut Bierbrauer Bauer.Nebenbei stelle ich weitere Wörter aus dem täglichen Deutsch Newsletter von http://www.bitesizedlanguages.com vor und sage was zum Wetter.The picture shows me right before we start to climb the Witenwasserenstock (3082m), which you see right behind me. Excellente Gratkletterei .
  • Published: Aug 1, 08
    Today is the first of August (again) and the legend says that Switzerland was founded on the first of August 1291. This story is depicted in Friedrich Schillers famous story about Wilhem Tell.You can find the whole text of Wilhelm Tell online at Project Gutenberg.Google has it as well, in Altdeutsch. Finally here is a link to Wikipedia with details about Wilhelm Tell.Gessler: Nun Tell! Weil du den Apfel triffst vom Baume Auf hundert Schritte, so wirst du deine Kunst Vor mir bewähren müss
  • Published: Jul 17, 08
    In today's lesson we will learn some German vocabulary. First I need to apologize, though, for not posting regularly anymore. I started a new job on the first of July and had to get into the new company. It is a IT consulting company in Zürich and I joined my first project for them in Bern last Monday, so again everything new and a lot to learn. Furthermore I met a wonderful woman, or met again, I should say, which did not quite turn out the way it should have, though. Finally: I joi
  • Published: Jun 27, 08
    Diese Woche war ich das erste Mal in den Deutschen Alpen. Den höchsten Berg Deutschlands, die Zugspitze, haben wir auf der Route durch das Höllental erstiegen. Ausserdem waren wir noch in der Meiler Hütte (2374m) und haben ein herrliches Mittagessen gehabt. Zunächst wollen wir von der Zugspitze aus den Jubiläumsgrad machen, aber die Besatzung des Münchner Haus oben auf der Zugspitze war so unfreundlich, dass wir es nicht über uns gebracht haben, dort zu schlafen.Der Aufstieg durch das Hö
  • Published: Jun 13, 08
    Hallo zusammen,ich bin zurück in der Schweiz und in der neuen Wohnung eingezogen.Heute erzähle ich daher erstmal ein wenig von meinem Sprachurlaub in Antigua, Guatemala, natürlich auf Deutsch. Die Kurzfassung: Ich war vier Wochen in Antigua, zwei in Honduras zum Tauchen und dann noch mal zwei in Antigua, weiter Spanisch lernen.Das obere Bild zeigt mein erstes Zimmer bei einer Gastfamilie in Antigua. Charm hat es gehabt, wenn es auch etwas eng war. Das untere Bild ist mein neues Daheim. Auch n
  • Published: Feb 4, 08
    Making a reservation in a hotel in a foreign country can often be a little difficult, especially when making the reservation by telephone. This lesson will give you the necessary tools to achieve this daunting task. We already had this topic in lessons 024 and 025, so you might want to take a look at the archive as well.The PDF (we have 8 pages today!) with the transcript, exercises, fotos, additional information, etc. Can be bought for only 49 Cents. It is in the same format as the PDF files fr
  • Published: Jan 26, 08
    Last weekend I lay in bed with a cold. So this weekend is a good time to talk about illnesses and how to get an appointment at the doctor in Germany and Switzerland.der Arzt/die Ärztin = doctordie Krankenschwester = nursedie Sprechstundenhilfe = receptionistdas Wartezimmer = waiting roomdie Zeitschrift = magazinedie Krankheit = illnessdie Grippe = fludie Erkältung = common coldder Schnupfen = common coldder Husten = coughdas Halsweh = sore throatdie Halsschmerzen = sore throatuntersuchen = to
  • Published: Jan 25, 08
    Todays lesson is a beginners lesson, as the last poll indicated that about 70% of you are studying German for less than 3 years.There is no PDF for todays lesson, but you can find a transcript of the text I read (and much more) at www.LuLu.com, you can also order it from Amazon, it might take a day or two longer to deliver, though.If you like it, please buy the book or pay for the download of the Ebook-version and write a nice comment at LuLu or at Amazon.com and if enough of you buy it, I will
  • Published: Jan 20, 08
    Today we talk about a very important topic: How to talk to a doctor. You will learn how to make an appointment and how to describe different symptoms. Lesson 050 was about this topic as well, so you might want to check there for further exercise. There are two Podcasts concerning the PDF transcript for today: Lessons 059 and 060.Todays picture shows the river Reuss with the Nölliturm in Lucerne Lucerne, 18.01.2008Stephan this free podcast to learn to
  • Published: Jan 20, 08
    Today we talk about a very important topic: How to talk to a doctor. You will learn how to make an appointment and how to describe different symptoms. Lesson 050 was about this topic as well, so you might want to check there for further exercise. There are two Podcasts concerning the PDF transcript for today: Lessons 059 and 060.Todays picture shows the river Reuss with the Nölliturm in Lucerne Lucerne, 18.01.2008Stephan this free podcast to learn to
  • Published: Jan 19, 08
    Today we talk about a very important topic: How to talk to a doctor. You will learn how to make an appointment and how to describe different symptoms. Lesson 050 was about this topic as well, so you might want to check there for further exercise. There are two Podcasts concerned about the PDF transcript for today: Lessons 059 and 060.Todays picture shows the river Reuss with the Nölliturm in Lucerne Lucerne, 18.01.2008Stephan this free podcast to lea
  • Published: Jan 13, 08
    Todays German lesson is about how to make an appointment with a dentist. We will hear a telephone interview, then I will go to the dentist and she is going to examine me and give me a root canal treatment. Ouch!Lucerne, 13.01.2008Stephan this free podcast to learn to speak German.http://german-podcast.blogspot.com
  • Published: Jan 8, 08
    Last Session was about food related topics and I want to continue with this in order to deepen your knowledge of food related vocabulary. And it is time to take a look at some grammar. The “Perfekt”, the “vollendete Gegenwart” is a good starting point. We are currently on place 18 of the American Top 25 (Education) on iTunes. If you like the podcast, why don't you vote for it on iTunes by following this link.The picture was taken on the 01.01.2008 on "Der Hengst" in the area called
  • Published: Jan 6, 08
    Weiter geht es mit dem Lernen von Vokabeln rund um Lebensmittel. Dazu ein klein wenig Grammatik: Das Perfekt wird vorgestellt.Ausserdem gibt es einen Blog mit täglichen Übungen, Vokabeln oder sonstigen Überraschungen:http://learn-german-blog.blogspot.com/Lucerne, 06.01.2008Stephan Wiesnerhttp://german-podcast.blogspot.comUse this free podcast to learn to speak German.http://german-podcast.blogspot.com
  • Published: Jan 6, 08
    Weiter geht es mit dem Lernen von Vokabeln rund um Lebensmittel. Dazu ein klein wenig Grammatik: Das Perfekt wird vorgestellt.Ausserdem gibt es einen Blog mit täglichen Übungen, Vokabeln oder sonstigen Überraschungen:http://learn-german-blog.blogspot.com/Lucerne, 06.01.2008Stephan Wiesnerhttp://german-podcast.blogspot.comUse this free podcast to learn to speak German.http://german-podcast.blogspot.com