Knitters Uncensored
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Knitters Uncensored (Author: Knitters Uncensored)
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Recent episodes from Knitters Uncensored
Published: May 1, 08Episode #14: We're not Worthy! (part 2 of 2)This is the second part of the episode. Sorry it took me so long to get this out, spinning has taken over my life. We are with the Wollmeise again and she reveals some interesting details about her life. Don't want to give anything away, you just gotta listen. Ok, one teaser - did she say something about a sock club??? Also, we reveal the contest answers and who the winner is!Music: "The Last of the Superheroes of the 1970s" by American Heartbre
Published: Apr 15, 08Episode #14: We're not Worthy! (part 1 of 2)This session was soooooo long that I had to break it up into two parts. We have a special guest today - the Wollmeise! She was kind enough to take a break from her busy schedule to sit with us and chat. We also have a short interview with Miriam Tegels - the world record holder for fastest knitter! wowowowowow!Check out our blog at: or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check ou
Published: Feb 12, 08Episode #12: The Catch-up SpecialWe're baaaaack! This is an episode that gets you caught up on what we did on our break. Ms. B went to the states and bought lots of yarn. Elemm bought a spinning wheel and worked. Cashyie started knitting socks and joined Ravelry.Check out our blog at: or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check out our group on Ravelry called "Uncensored Knitters"Music: "Tom Cruise Crazy" by Jonathan Coul
Published: Dec 26, 07Episode #11: Scotch-flavored Condom Filled ChristmasMs. B is enjoying her vacation too much and took a loong-ass time to edit and get this out. We were hoping to get this out BEFORE Christmas, but well, we're a little late...Opening by Ms. B's son. You may or may not understand what he is saying. It was too cute to NOT include it.What's on or off our needles and Cashyie shares her condom storiesCashyie gives out Christmas gifts wrapped with unusual wrapping.Life in Germany - Christmas markets
Published: Nov 18, 07Episode #10: One Man, One Woman and One Other WomanAfter the record delay in editing last time, I promised to edit this one quickly and up it goes the SAME DAY we recorded. That is a record as well.Opening by Ms. B and Rock Star Husband. We're freaking hilarious!What's on or off our needles (and spindles for Elemm)Life in Germany - What is weird about Germany? When did we consider ourselves expats?German Terms - Elemm deciphers more Wollmeise colors!Laugh as Cashyie and Ms. B tries to pronou
Published: Nov 18, 07Episode #10: One Man, One Woman and One Other WomanAfter the record delay in editing last time, I promised to edit this one quickly and up it goes the SAME DAY we recorded. That is a record as well.Opening by Ms. B and Rock Star Husband. We're freaking hilarious!What's on or off our needles (and spindles for Elemm)Life in Germany - What is weird about Germany? When did we consider ourselves expats?German Terms - Elemm deciphers more Wollmeise colors!Laugh as Cashyie and Ms. B tries to pronou
Published: Nov 6, 07Episode #09: Someone Kissed a GirlOh geez, we cannot just shut up about all things NOT related to knitting. We recorded this more than 2 weeks ago, but Ms. B was super lazy and didn't edit for awhile. But it's finally here!Find out who kissed a girl and who has herpes!What's on or off our needlesLife in Germany - What do we miss about our home countries?German Terms - Elemm deciphers more Wollmeise colors!Cashyie's Oktoberfest roundupVatterstetten and London trip reportsAnnouncementsCheck out
Published: Oct 4, 07Episode #08: Action in the GussetIt's Oktoberfest time!We give a shout out to Katia and Kyliemac!What's on or off our needlesDrunken and/or hungover train storiesLife in Germany - Okotberfest!German Terms - Elemm deciphers more Wollmeise colors!Benediktbeuern report and interview with Andrea of Das SchneeschafAnnouncementsCheck out our blog at: or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check out our group on Ravelry called "Uncens
Published: Sep 3, 07Episode #07: Fun Filled With Fibre Factoids!Woohoo! Another episode with our nonsense! :-pWe started off by Cashyie trying to eliminate Elemm from the show with high percentage alcohol.And we have to talk about Tyrolean Mankitten.Have you been Xlaxin' lately?!Give you votes on our show notes!!Thank you to Dharmafey from Socks in the City Podcast. And go listen to Knit Therapy!What's on or off our needles?Keep yourself fit while knitting: Go knit at the gym!Elemm and Ms. B started spinning and El
Published: Aug 12, 07Episode #06: Jaeger ... Spun Out of ControlOK, extra long episodes are now our trademark. Another long one and we laugh a lot and talk over each other a lot. Sorry!Thanks to scout for the special yarn dyed just for us called South Tyrolean Mankitten in Lederhosen. We also discuss customs strategies.What's on (or off) our needles? We all have Montego Bay Scarf Madness!German termsLiving in Germany - continuation about life as an expat - bills and exercising while knittingOur special guest -
Published: Jul 29, 07Episode #05: To Dye For, DahlingAnother extra long episode where we talk and digress and talk and digress even more. We are a week late because of a certain book that came out on the same day as we were planning on recording.We talk about the special book and why we are lateIs knitting only for grandmas?Elemm talks about his interviews with German publicationsWhat's on (or off) our needles?Living in Germany - living in apartments and platform toilets!German termsCashyie has a marriage proposal
Published: Jul 9, 07Episode #04: The Trouble with TreberWoohoo! Finally episode #04 is here!!! Extra long to make up for the lateness (thanks to Ms. B) *LOL* This episode was greased up with the help of treber grappa as usual. ;-)Shout-outs and Thank yous: Damknit, Knit Europe, Holly (Blogless), Peech Purls, Andy in Amsterdam, ScoutJ, Sheepaints, Das SchneeschafElemm had some serious S.E.X.How did the Knitters Uncensored ended up in Germany?What's on (or off) our needles?Ms. B talks about Life in Germany: They don'
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