Jumping Monkeys
Links for parents of children of all ages, and interviews with geek parents. (Author: Megan Morrone and Leo Laporte)
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Recent episodes from Jumping Monkeys
Published: Sep 6, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteToy B. Ville, Fantastic Contraption, Free Language Lessons, Recycline, Rickets, and more.Guest: Darren Turbeville from Toy B. VilleCall us: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.comSpend: Fantastic Contraption, $10Save: Free Language Lessons at the BBC blog Give: RecyclineOther links: Rickets and other Vitamin D Deficient Diseases May lurk in breastfed babiesJill Lepore on Stuart Li
Published: Sep 6, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteToy B. Ville, Fantastic Contraption, Free Language Lessons, Recycline, Rickets, and more.Guest: Darren from Toy B. VilleCall us: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.comSpend: Fantastic Contraption, $10Save: Free Language Lessons at the BBC blog Give: RecyclineOther links: Rickets and other Vitamin D Deficient Diseases May lurk in breastfed babiesJill Lepore on Stuart Little (podca
Published: Aug 30, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteEco-Friendly Families, Darling Mummy, Bullfrog from Outer Level Corp, books, a contest, and more.Guest: Helen Coronato, author of Eco-Friendly Families and A Novel Idea: Stories Behind the Bookshelves Call: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.com Spend: Darling MummySave: Bullfrog from Outer Level CorpGive: What Book Got You Hooked? Contest: Send us your parenting tech tips, spends
Published: Aug 24, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteThe Comeback, Juku Couture, Laptop Lunches, back to school guide, NUI Water, Totlol, scanning digital photos, and more.Guest: Emma Gilbey Keller, author of The Comeback, about leaving the work force to raise kids and then going back.Call: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.comSpend: Juku Couture - dolls for geeks.Save: Laptop LunchesCool Mom Picks back to school guideGive: NUI Wat
Published: Aug 17, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteStinky Cheese Man, Mo Willems Stuff, Rookie Moms Staycations, the gift of sight, and more.Guests: Jon Scieszka, author of "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs," "The Story of The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales," and Guys ReadSpend: Mo Willems StuffSave: Rookie Moms Staycation Guides Give: Give the Gift of Sight Audible Kids pick of the week: Cowboy and Octopus (Unabridged) by Jon Scieszka, narrated by Mike Ferreri. Visit AudibleKids.com/ju
Published: Aug 11, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteSmugMug, Peanut Butter Pointer, Thrifty Green Baby Guide, Brady's Smile, and more.Guests: Andy Williams from SmugMug.Spend: Peanut Butter PointerSave: The Thrifty Green Baby Guide Give: Brady's Smile Audible Kids pick of the week: The Mysterious Tadpole by Steven Kellogg. Visit AudibleKids.com/jumpingmonkeys for nine free audible books. Call: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.com
Published: Aug 3, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteToy Rescue, Custom Made for Kids, Free Shipping, Date for Trees, and more.Guests: Charles Parker and Elaine Smith (with puppets Skip and Molly) from Toy Rescue and Archivist Alison.Spend: Custom Made for Kids: The first adventures of incredible youSave: FreeShipping.org Give: Date for TreesArchivist Alison's tip: Scanning pictures into your blog Also see: Trucktown BooksAudible Kids pick of the week: The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits,
Published: Jul 26, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteOne man is trying to reduce his possessions to only 100 things by November.Guest: Dave Bruno of GuyNamedDave.comSpend: DoozlaSave: CardStixGive: VeryMeriCall: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.comAudibleKids.com pick: Miss Nelson is Missing (Unabridged) by Harry Allard, narrated by Cindy HaynesFull show notes available on Megan's blog, JumpingMonkeys.com.Bandwidth for Jumping Mon
Published: Jul 20, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteStarting the college fund, WALL-E, white noise, Spore, and more.Guest: Jeff Frese of the Freshman Fund.Spend: WALL-E.Save: Free White Noise Generator.Give: Spore VoteCall: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.comAudible pick: Boots on the Ground at Dusk (My Tribute to Pat Tillman) by Mary Tillman, Read by Mary Tillman . Visit Audible.com/monkeys to sign up for your free audio book.F
Published: Jul 12, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteCarseats, SweetPea 3, cheap gifts, FileSwap, and more.Guest: Kate O’Connell on Carseat Safety Spend: SweetPea 3 from Peapod ToysSave: Simple Dollars hack for finding holiday gifts on the cheap.Give: FlipSwapCall: (707) 981–4602 to leave a message for Megan and Leo about the show, or use the "Call Me" button on JumpingMonkeys.comAudible pick: Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones by Judy Schachner, narrated by Judy Schachner. Visit Audible.com/monkeys to sign
Published: Jul 5, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteGuest: Dana Loesch of Mamalogues on Homeschooling Spend: Pedz Pedometer for KidsSave: Tessy and Tab Give: Global GivingAudibleKids.com book of the week: The Frog and Toad Collection by Arnold Lobel. And visit Audible.com/monkeys for a free audible book.Full show notes available on Megan's blog, JumpingMonkeys.com.Bandwidth for Jumping Monkeys is provided by Cachefly. The Jumping Monkeys theme is by Paul Minshall.Running time: 1:12:25
Published: Jun 28, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaportePeter Pan's untold backstory, Baby Steals, Circle of Friends, FreeRangeKids, and more.Guest: Author Ridley Pearson, author of Peter and the Starcatchers (the Peter Pan prequel) with humorist Dave Barry.Spend: Circle of Friends Bath ProductsSave: BabySteals - one really great deal a day.Give: 29Day Giving Challenge FreeRangeKidsTuxMathAudibleKids.com book of the week: Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (read by Jim Dale). And visit Audi
Published: Jun 21, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaportePeppers and Pollywogs, Safety Tat, Geek Crafts, Sandra Day O'Connor, and more.Guest: Lisa Kothari of Peppers and Pollywogs Spend: Safety TatSave: Geek CraftsGive: BabySmashSandra Day O'Connor announces website to teach middle schoolers civicsNY Times article: So Young and So Gadgeted Audible pick of the week: The One and Only Shrek by William Steig Narrated by Meryl Streep, Stanley TucciFull show notes available on Megan's blog, JumpingMonkeys.com.Bandwidth fo
Published: Jun 13, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo Laporte Guest: Dr. Mike of Pediacast on vaccinesSpend: Insect Lore: Butterfly GardenSave: JungleCrazy.com Give: Fresh Air FundNew research says women are just not interested in science.Audible pick: AudibleKids.com and Owl Moon by Jane Yolen read by the authorFull show notes available on Megan's blog, JumpingMonkeys.com.Bandwidth for Jumping Monkeys is provided by Cachefly. The Jumping Monkeys theme is by Paul Minshall.Running time: 1:11:54
Published: Jun 7, 08Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo LaporteGuests: Jay Golden of Gorilla in the GreenhouseSpend: Palm CentroSave: Turn a Doll House into a Faerie House on WikiHow Give: Tiny Revolutionary: This Shirt Saved a LifeAudible pick: AudibleKids.comVisit bootygoo.com and use coupon code "monkeys" for a 20% discount.Full show notes available on Megan's blog, JumpingMonkeys.com.Bandwidth for Jumping Monkeys is provided by Cachefly. The Jumping Monkeys theme is by Paul Minshall.Running time: 50:59
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