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Recent episodes from Ibdeditorials.com Daily Podcast
Published: Sep 12, 08Election '08: Barack Obama's campaign is crying foul over John McCain's new hard-hitting ads. But the Democratic nominee has no one but himself to blame for his statements and his behavior.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 12, 08Election '08: Is a dazzling damsel about to save fellow Republicans in distress? Polling finds that Sarah Palin's energetic message of freedom, and her record fighting corruption, may save GOP congressional candidates.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 12, 08Energy: Even as global forces drive oil prices lower, all it takes is one nasty storm to reverse that. With a continent full of energy resources, why is U.S. oil production still concentrated in one Hurricane Alley?Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 12, 08Foreign Policy: Tehran has elevated its effort to become a member of the nuclear arms club. That leaves our government with a tough choice: Will it make a firm stand or be rolled over by a lawless regime?Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 11, 08Another of our youngest presidents, Bill Clinton, was 46 when sworn in and became the first Democrat since FDR to serve two terms.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 11, 08War On Terror: Al-Qaida's leaders in Pakistan sure like to hear themselves talk. But the next sound they hear may be the crack of U.S. troops kicking down their doors.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 11, 08Energy: As oil ran up over the last two years, Congress and the media had a field day blaming speculators. But a new report shows they were unfairly scapegoated.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 10, 08The Anniversary: Eight days after terrorism declared war on America, a young state senator blamed it on "a failure of empathy"-yet another reason why Barack Obama should never be commander in chief.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 10, 08Election '08: Back when he led the polls, Barack Obama gallantly promised a new, post-partisan politics. Now his lead is gone, and he's getting personal about Sarah Palin. However he justifies it, he's starting to look small.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 10, 08Jimmy Carter became our 39th president at the young age of 52. He was a one-term governor from Plains, Ga., where he managed the family peanut farm and taught Sunday school. He was also a graduate of the Naval Academy and served seven years in the Navy, leaving as a lieutenant.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 9, 08Energy: Some GOP senators allied with Democrats are peddling a "drilling" bill that actually adds exploration restrictions, raises taxes and may even end up meaning no new domestic oil. Some Republicans never learn.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 9, 08Young, handsome and charismatic, John F. Kennedy assumed the presidency in 1961 when he was 43 years of age. Harvard-educated and highly articulate, he was exceptionally popular with young people and academics. The Kennedy family, and especially his attractive wife and children, had an aura of celebrity about them that influenced people.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 9, 08Election '08: The country could use an honest debate on Social Security, particularly in an election year. From comments made over the weekend, though, it's clear that Barack Obama is not the man to provide it.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 9, 08Election '08: Barack Obama has joined forces with a white socialist he calls a "good friend" — the Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of "Sojourners." He too believes in "liberation theology," sans the black nationalism. In fact, Wallis is the white version of Jeremiah Wright, sans the black rage.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
Published: Sep 8, 08Media Bias: Oprah Winfrey won't invite Sarah Palin on her show because she doesn't want to use it to promote any candidate. Yet she was willing to use the celebrity garnered from her show to promote Barack Obama.Read to you by OutloudOpinion
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