Gfw Radio - Games For Window's Weekly Podcast
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Welcome to GFW Radio, the podcast homepage for Games for Windows: The Official Magazine. Here, through the glorious magic of the Internet, you can listen to the GFW editors and occasional guests pontificate and yammer about all sorts of PC game related issues. Plus they might even break down on-air, adding an element of tension to the whole affair. If you don't know what podcasts are yet, check out the sidebar on the left. Then listen to all our past shows and keep your eye on this page for new (Author: GFW Staff)
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Recent episodes from Gfw Radio - Games For Window's Weekly Podcast
Published: Feb 27, 08GDC Week continues with Erik Wolpaw and Kim Swift from Valve.
Published: Feb 20, 08Josh Mosqueira from Relic and Chris Taylor from Gas Powered Games stop by the studio for a chat on real-time strategy games. Also, a hilariously bungled sign-off from Jeff and the gang.
Published: Feb 19, 08On the first GFW Radio of GDC Week, we welcome Warren Spector of Juntion Point Studios and Paul Wedgwood of Splash Damage for a deep conversation about stealing books and coming up with the idea for The Da Vinci Code, among others.
Published: Feb 13, 08Jeff and Shawn go play Spore at Maxis and talk xenoevolution, "Spore-casts," and recent backlash against Will Wright's next big thing. Ryan chats up Sam and Max: Episode 2x03, and Sean/Shawn try to convince the others of the merits of graphic novelist Chris Ware. Added bonus: Anthony Gallegos from takes the fifth chair!
Published: Feb 6, 08With Shawn Elliott mysterious out on a "vacation" with someone named "Hans," the remaining GFW editors huddle around their microphones and attempt to pick up the pieces, with nary a 4th chair in sight. Yeah, that's right: We said "nary." Up for discussion this week: The glory that is Sins of a Solar Empire, the grandeur that is Puzzle Quest, and an inquiry into the ethics of real-life trading of MMO objects. Is it prostitution? The GFW call girls say no. Also: Lost Season 4: Finally a reason
Published: Jan 30, 08The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things, including a whole bunch of Battlefield Heroes details, Valve's unveiling of SteamWorks (the company's digital distribution answer to the NPD), new Team Fortress 2 achievements, and how Savage 2 just may be the very essence of PC gaming. Plus, we go all Retronauts and fondly recalls Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for the N64 and Aquanaut's Holiday for the PlayStation. Huh?
Published: Jan 23, 08After a blissfully long weekend, the GFW crew are back and are serious about their game talk. For a few minutes. The Age of Conan delay is discussed, as is WoW's 10 million subscriber mark, and Jeff's few hours with Crysis. Soon, however, all hell breaks loose, and we are once again back in Second Life, hearing more horrific stories to keep away from your kids and the faint of heart (and stomach). Then, as if to seek redemption, a more spiritually uplifting game, Zoo Race, is discussed---and th
Published: Jan 16, 08With the GFW crew experiencing serious deadline burnout, Dr. Maximum Chill arrives on the scene to inject the podcast with some actual energy. He only partially succeeds. Among the topics mumbled about: New Team Fortress maps, Star Trek Online and the viability of licensed MMOs, Puzzle Quest, and Ubisoft's "boycott" of EGM and GFW. Also: Shawn Elliott's scary stories from the frontiers of Second Life. Be very afraid!
Published: Jan 11, 08It's an epic two-hour gasbagathon, as the GFW Radio crew, loaded up on MSG, share, pontificate, cajole, and wheedle their way through more Game of the Year discussion, including a fierce debate on the level design of Half Life 2: Episode 2 versus ... Peggle. Huh? Also, Ryan goes ape**** over Puzzle Quest, and Jeff schools the kids on the backstory behind Mayor McCheese and the Hamburglar!
Published: Jan 4, 08It's the first brodeo of 2008, and what better way to kick things off than with a discussion about Theodore Roosevelt! Also, what we played over Xmas vacation, more Mario love, and even more disturbing Sonic love, courtesy of this week's Hero of the Web. Also, in a token nod to PC gaming, the art direction of TF2 vs. Bioshock is discussed. Even Eli knows to download now!
Published: Dec 20, 07In the final, epic brodeo of 2007, the GFW Radio crew pontificate, opine, rant, and whine for nearly two hours on all sorts of exciting topics, some of which include the Duke Nukem Forever trailer, the sad sales figures of Crysis and Unreal Tournament, the good and bad of Mass Effect, and the game that made Shawn Elliott use the word "delightful." Also, Jeff Green sees red over more bad game writing. And one GFW editor bids us all farewell. So laugh and cry with us as we kiss this year goodbye,
Published: Dec 5, 07In the wake of Gerstmanngate, GFW Radio ponders, once again, the complicated relationship between game publishers and the media, and decides, in sum, that it all smells like dooky. Meanwhile, the gang ponders what it means when a company gives 5 stars to its own game (or did they?) and wonders why there appear to be only 52 people in the world playing Unreal Tournament 3. Big thanks to EGM's Greg Ford for producing this week, and now everyone get your flak helmets on...
Published: Dec 4, 07It's a special Not Very GFW Radio this week, with Ryan, Darren, and Sean all slacking off for the holidays. Instead, special guests Robert Bobito Max Chill Ashley and Bryan I Can't Stop Yelling Inithar join GFWers Shawn and Jeff for 90+ minutes of rambling babble,.including more bad job stories, the sad uselessness of Holiday Buyer's Guides, and the annoyance of Xbox Live jackholes. Plus, Shawn spreads more COH: Opposing Fronts love, and Jeff breaks up with The Witcher. Extra special mad props
Published: Nov 22, 07The GFW Radio crew gives thanks for the Internet by chatting more about The Witcher, the World of WarCraft 2.3 patch, the political agenda of Blacksite: Area 51, and what playing Rock Band says about your character -- plus, Shawn reveals his secret online alter-ego.
Published: Nov 15, 07In honor of the fact that there are, like, a zillion PC games to play right now, the GFW Radio crew spends two hours actually talking about them! Seriously. Just PC games. Hellgate: London, Crysis, Call of Duty 4, the new Sam ns Max, The Witcher, and Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. OK, so the last one's not a PC game, but really, it's just as good. Also: We gaze astonished at Ryan, who has 14 consoles connected to his television but has never played Diablo II.
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