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Earthfiles is a crossroads where experts, eyewitnesses and viewers meet to share the latest updates in earth and astronomical mysteries, in-depth reports that go beyond the 6 o'clock news. Earthfiles reporter and editor, Linda Moulton Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author who goes directly to the men and women at the forefront of science and environmental challenges and to firsthand eyewitnesses of high strangeness. received the 2006 W3 Silv (Author:
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Published: Aug 22, 08There were unsettling eyewitness reports in the 14th Century from China to Europe of bright lights in the skies that emitted "mists" and foul-smelling ground fogs associated with figures in dark cloaks waving "scythes" during "The Black Death" in which nearly half of the European population died from plague.
Published: Jun 6, 08In the early morning of mid-December 2001, "David Smith" had gone deer hunting in southern Ohio. But what he encountered has haunted his life since. First was a bizarre noise, then a beam containing snow melt droplets rising into a ring-shaped craft with three long antennas. The ring craft, or dragonfly drone, began to spin rapidly in complete silence. The hunter found himself waking up on the ground ten hours later, the soles of his leather boots completely melted.
Published: May 9, 08Two more eyewitnesses of the dragonfly drones have been discovered further north in Camas, Washington, on the Columbia River between Washington and Oregon, where they encountered one of the strange craft above Lakamas Lake on June 7, 2007.
Published: Apr 5, 08Another dragonfly aerial craft eyewitness has emerged – a sighting as recently as Monday, March 31, 2008. Her name is Cam and she lives in Scotts Valley, northwest of Capitola. Capitola is where another eyewitness, “Rajman,” allegedly photographed the dragonfly drone above power lines a year ago on May 16, 2007. Cam's sighting was at 10:15 AM onMonday, March 31, 2008, when she was working in her kitchen while her boyfriend, Geoff, was doing yard work outside.
Published: Feb 22, 08Since Jim Sparks was taken from his home by a non-human beam technology over several years and educated in front of alien computer screens to learn alien symbols and numbers, I asked him to study the Stephenville, Texas, symbols videotaped by David Caron on January 19, 2008, to see if Jim could see any meaning in the symbols.
Published: Feb 17, 08Since early January 2008, and on going, there have been dozens of reports of lights moving in rapid and strange patterns and changing shapes southwest of Dallas/Fort Worth in the Dublin and Stephenville, Texas, region. A local reporter was ordered to stop reporting about the UFO activity, but resigned instead.
Published: Feb 13, 08In the December 14, 2007, issue of the journal Science, chemical oceanographers report carbon emissions from human activities are not only heating up our planet, but the ocean chemistry is changing enough that if the CO2 build up continues at the current rate, by the year 2050, no coral reefs will be alive.
Published: Feb 8, 08"In 2008, we're going to see some major, giant financial firms fall as they get hit by an economic 9/11." That's what Gerald Celente, Editor of The Trends Journal told me in a December 21, 2007, interview only two weeks before bad Wall Street news about Countrywide Bank, Merrill Lynch, American Express and other companies in a cash crunch that plunged the Dow steeply downward.
Published: Feb 8, 08"In 2008, we're going to see some major, giant financial firms fall as they get hit by an economic 9/11." That's what Gerald Celente, Editor of The Trends Journal told me in a December 21, 2007, interview only two weeks before bad Wall Street news about Countrywide Bank, Merrill Lynch, American Express and other companies in a cash crunch that plunged the Dow steeply downward.
Published: Feb 6, 08In the December 14, 2007, issue of the journal Science, chemical oceanographers report carbon emissions from human activities are not only heating up our planet, but the ocean chemistry is changing enough that if the CO2 build up continues at the current rate, by the year 2050, no coral reefs will be alive.
Published: Nov 2, 07On November 6, 2007, a book entitled The Orb Project will be released by physicist Klaus Heinemann and philosopher, Miceal Ledwith. The Foreword is by William Tiller, Ph.D., and Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Prof. Tiller hypothesizes that in addition
Published: Nov 1, 07In mid-September 2007, deer hunter, R. Jacobs, was not thinking about Sasquatch/Bigfoot when he placed a deer mineral lick and deer-attracting scents where he set up his Bushnell game trail camera in northwestern Pennsylvania. All he wanted to know was how many deer – especially big bucks – were usi
Published: Oct 19, 07On October 1, 2007, between 7:30 and 8:15 PM, four adults and two teenagers watched orange-white spheres, small glowing discs, red lights and a football-field-sized aerial triangle that moved at treetop level without a sound. A red laser beam is associated with lost time and the next night, non-huma
Published: Oct 12, 07News updates about the September 15, 2007, Carancas, Peru, meteorite impact; alarming disappearance of four bumblebee species in North America; and breakthrough quantum physics math that shows the Cosmos is branching like a bush and each limb is a parallel universe.
Published: Sep 21, 07Late in 1988, U. S. Army remote viewer, Mel Riley, reported that an unidentified bright light on an American satellite photograph was a craft that had humanoid people in it and was hovering above a nuclear storage facility. The remote viewers found the craft and humanoids came from sub-surface loca
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