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Published: Aug 29, 08Media - 张爱玲经典名句 教书很难——又要做戏,又要做人。——出自《张爱玲语录》。因为懂得,所以慈悲。——这是张爱玲对胡兰成说的话。你问我爱你值不值得,其实你应该知道,爱就是不问值得不值得。——出自张爱玲的小说《半生缘》。也许每一个男子全都有过这样的两个女人,至少两个。娶了红玫瑰,久而久之,红的变了墙上的一抹蚊子血,白的还是�
Published: Aug 25, 08Elementary - Caught in the Act 你们在干吗?啊,老板,对不起!对不起!对不起?我们刚刚在......别说了,我不想知道。老板,我们错了!For a full translation, plus grammar explanation and learning tools, visit
Published: Aug 22, 08Upper-Intermediate - We're going to miss the plane! 开快点儿,你再这么绕来绕去的,我们就要误飞机了!超速要罚款的。我已经很快了!下面这么多红绿灯,你干吗不走高架?高架上堵车。下面堵得更厉害!我们是要赶飞机的!我知道。这路我比你们熟多了。你快从那些车中间穿过去吧,我们真的很着急!急也没用,现在不好超车的!现在好些了,你快踩油门,冲到前面去
Published: Aug 18, 08Advanced - 日本人的起源 说实话,日本的电子产品还真不错!哎,有什么了不起!小日本的智慧还不是来自我们中国人!这话怎么说?我是说我们中国人是日本人的老祖宗!什么什么呀!乱讲!你没听说过"徐福东渡"吗?就是秦始皇让徐福带着三千童男童女去找长生不老药,后来他们就定居日本了,徐福他们就是日本人的祖先!别胡说八道了,那只是传说!我可没�
Published: Jul 24, 08It's a bird... it's a plane... no. It's the biggest thing to hit China since ping pong. Meet another sport beloved by the Chinese. In this podcast, listen in to a badminton game as it was meant to be played... in Mandarin. Next time you... Dialogue: 呵呵,羽毛球我可打不好,你来发球吧。好,给我球......看球!噢!漂亮的扣球!我很菜,放过我吧。行啊,来了!......唉,我说,就算我菜,也别这样瞧不起我吧
Published: May 21, 08Oysters, rumored to have aphrodisiac qualities, have certainly inspired passion in many a Taipei night market nosher. The famed 'oyster omelet'--an unlikely marriage of eggs and shellfish--can be first on your checklist of the what's what ... Dialogue: 你是台湾哪里人?台北的。噢,很不错的城市啊。对,有台北101。是台湾最高的楼。看起来很特别。听说台北的夜市也很好。嗯,小吃超好吃。我口水都流下来了。�
Published: May 17, 08Watch, bag, DVD... Watch, bag, DVD... Watch, bag, DVD... Watch, bag, DVD... Watch, bag, DVD... Watch, bag, DVD... Watch, bag, DVD... need we say more? No. Need they say more? Please no. But how to get them to stooooop?? Listen to this ... Dialogue: 小姐,要不要手表和包?不要。看一下吧,又好又便宜。不要。只要一分钟,不买没关系。真的不要!For a full translation, plus grammar explanation and learning tools, visit ChineseP
Published: May 4, 08If only Dr. Seuss had learned Chinese, children China-over could have had a new chant to repeat after their teachers. "Haohao xuexi, tiantian xiangsheng" could have gotten a lot more fun. Now, listen to Dr. Zhu's version of the classic, '... Dialogue: 你是谁?我是猫。你在哪里?在帽子里。For a full translation, plus grammar explanation and learning tools, visit
Published: May 3, 08What used to be an annoying clanging shouting racket at 6:00am is now the most welcoming sound in the world. Your naive western misconceptions of refund policies have been dashed, and your microwave only came with a one week warranty. Ala... Dialogue: 修电视、冰箱、洗衣机。修电视、冰箱、洗衣机。微波炉修吗?修,出了什么问题?不能加热。以前转两分钟就好了,现在二十分钟都不热。你买了多久?快十年了�
Published: May 2, 08No, ChinesePod has not sold out. We have not succumbed to target marketing, multinational corporate conspiracies, nor do we endorse one cola over another (though in the blind taste test challenge, admittedly, had a favorite). This lesson ... Dialogue: 有健怡可乐吗?没有,只有可口可乐。那有百事轻怡吗?好像有,我看一下。有的。好,要一个。For a full translation, plus grammar explanation and learning tools, visit
Published: May 1, 08昨天太阳好大,热到可以穿超短裙,今天就阴雨阵阵,得把毛衣套上身......老天这样奇怪的变脸,能不感冒发烧流鼻涕吗?没有时间也不值得去医院的时候,随处可见的药房可以帮你的大忙。看看这个可怜的男人怎么帮他生病的老婆、老妈和宝贝儿子买药吧,同时还可以看看卖药的小医生给了他些什么建议。... Dialogue: 买点什么药?不知道怎么搞的,这几�
Published: Apr 30, 08This is the formal introduction to the formal introduction lesson: You've mastered your Chinese hello and don't know what to do with that awkward silence. Now what? 1) Lose any sentimental attachment to your previous identity--you're goi... Dialogue: 陈小姐,你好,我姓王。王先生,您好。请坐!谢谢!For a full translation, plus grammar explanation and learning tools, visit
Published: Apr 29, 08Reasons to do yoga: 1) leisure suits are so fashionable these days; 2) get to wear said leisure suit and lay around on mats listening to relaxing waterfall music; 3) body flexibility lends dexterity for crowded line 1 subway transfer mane... Dialogue: 我们一起去练瑜伽吧。我几个朋友练了,效果可好了!女孩子练练是不错,我一个大男人,怎么能练这个?瑜伽又不是女人的专利,大师基本上都是男的。哎,那天�
Published: Apr 28, 08We've got the Summer Palace; they've got Versailles. We've got Shaolin Temple; they've got Notre Dame. They've got stinky cheese; we've got stinky tofu. They, eau de toilette; us, squat toilettes. We're the Paris of the east; they're...... Dialogue: 啊,巴黎太美了!是世界上最浪漫的城市!我喜欢艾菲尔铁塔。我喜欢卢浮宫。你是什么时候去的?啊...... 我没去过。你呢?我也没去过。For a full translation, plus gramm
Published: Apr 26, 08Thirty days has September... April, June, and November. All the rest... are so easy you won't even need a rhyme. In this podcast, learn the months of the year in Mandarin Chinese. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3....4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.... Dialogue: 你七月去美国吗?不是。我九月去。什么时候回来?十月吗?不告诉你!For a full translation, plus grammar explanation and learning tools, visit
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