Businessweek - Global Outlook

International Story of the Week will focus on the most compelling business story of the week from abroad. Drawing on the reporting prowess of BusinessWeek's network of correspondents in Europe, Asia, and Mexico, the podcast will highlight the trends and events that matter most to listeners interested in such vital topics as globalization, international energy markets, Asian technology, and foreign trade. (Author: BusinessWeek)
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Recent episodes from Businessweek - Global Outlook

  • Published: Jun 5, 08
    India heavily subsidizes fuel, food, and fertilizers. But with consumption ballooning and costs escalating, the government is near the breaking point.
  • Published: May 29, 08
    Siemens, Germany's top company, is wrestling with a gigantic bribery scandal. A trial has just started, and anti-corporate feelings in Germany are running high
  • Published: May 28, 08
    The earthquake and its aftermath have triggered a backlash against foreign companies who did not donate enough to the relief effort. Yet multinationals have made careful plans to appeal to Chinese patriotism during the Olympics.
  • Published: May 22, 08
    Oil prices are up sharply, but don't discount the chances of a sharp pullback. Some analysts think a drop in demand, a rise in alternative fuels, and a gradual increase in oil production will change the mind-set on prices
  • Published: May 16, 08
    The death toll mounts in China's Sichuan province. It's a terrible tragedy, but the economic impact on China overall will not derail GDP growth
  • Published: May 9, 08
    A 40-year-old insurrection in eastern India is triggering clashes with mining and other companies
  • Published: May 2, 08
    The Japanese car industry is being squeezed by a strong yen and the U.S. recession, so why are auto stocks climbing?
  • Published: Apr 24, 08
    Mexico's state-owned oil company, Pemex, needs foreign investment, but leftist leaders are fiercely opposed.
  • Published: Apr 18, 08
    BW's David Rocks and Frederik Balfour discuss why prices for rice and other grains are skyrocketing, what countries are doing to keep them down, and who the likely winners and losers are
  • Published: Apr 11, 08
    Its housing market is showing cracks, consumer debt is sky-high, and economic growth is slowing. Britain may be on its way toward a U.S.-style recession
  • Published: Apr 4, 08
    UBS, one of the top banks in the world, just wrote down more than $10 billion in subprime assets. The bank has stumbled just when the Swiss banking model is cracking
  • Published: Feb 22, 08
    Authorities are cracking down on German executives who dodge paying income taxes. Now the political fireworks begin
  • Published: Feb 15, 08
    Israel's shekel has surged 30% against the dollar in the last two years. For an economy dependent on trade with the U.S., that's bad news
  • Published: Feb 8, 08
    How the U.S. is trying to secure the border with Mexico with actual fences, "virtual fences," and boots on the ground--and what's wrong with that approach
  • Published: Feb 1, 08
    Blame it on easily thwarted controls and a trader with an inferiority complex. Jerome Kerviel had a unique understanding of the safeguards at Societe Generale. And his mediocre educational credentials may have made him overreach