60 Minutes Podcast - Selected Segments
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Recent episodes from 60 Minutes Podcast - Selected Segments
Published: Sep 7, 0860 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley speaks with Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward on his new book which reveals the secret behind the success of the troop surge in Iraq. 60 Minutes Correspondent Morley Safer speaks with actor Alec Baldwin about his attraction to controversy. 60 Minutes Correspondent Bob Simon reports on the high demand of bluefin tuna from Tokyo. Andy Rooney explores why so many people carry so much "stuff."
Published: Aug 31, 08CBS News Correspondent Steve Croft talks to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. CBS News Correspondent Scott Pelley reports on the air force control center that is responsible for air strikes in Afghanistan. CNN's Anderson Cooper on assignment for 60 Minutes reports on the affects of drugs like Ambien on semi-conscious and vegetative patients. CBS News Correspondent Andy Rooney discusses the quirky things he receives in the mail.
Published: Aug 24, 0860 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley sits down with Sgt. Frank Wuterich, the man at the center of investigations into the killing of twenty-four civilians in Haditha, Iraq. Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly talk to 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Croft about the accidental overdose of a blood thinner that almost killed their twin infants. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney talks about the way women are portrayed in magazine advertisements.
Published: Aug 17, 08Former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson sits down with CBS's Katie Couric, appearing in her first interview since she was the center of a national scandal. Women are bering the brunt of the civil war in Congo. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. A detective thinks he has solved the mystery of the missing Leonardo DaVinci masterpiece, The Battle of Anghiari. 60 Minutes Correspondent Morely Safer reports.
Published: Aug 10, 08If any country takes the nuclear threat from Iran more seriously than the United States, it's Israel. Bob Simon reports. Lara Logan explores the case of murderer Greg Thompson, who cannot be executed based on his mental state. However, medication may soon stabilize his condition, allowing his sentence to be carried out. Leslie Stahl speaks with billionaire Carl Icahn to discover how he continuously turns company losses into his profits.
Published: Aug 3, 08The Kingdom of Dubai finds success in the Middle East. 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Kroft reports. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney shares his feelings on combining flavors.
Published: Jul 27, 08Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band talk with Scott Pelley; Steve Kroft interviews Boston mobster John Martorano; Bob Fuss on NASA's preparationo for a manned flight to mars; Andy Rooney on food labels.
Published: Jul 20, 0860 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley crosses over the border from Chad into Sudan in search of a boy displaced during ongoing ethnic cleansing in Darfur. 60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports on how one man's invention may bring researchers one step closer to finding the cure for cancer. 60 Minutes Correspondent Bob Simon reports on Venezuela's music program that is keeping kids off the streets. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney takes a look at the state of travel today.
Published: Jul 13, 08This week on 60 Minutes, Leslie Stahl reports on how the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy has been impacted by the war on terror, Scott Pelley reports on Remote Area Medical, an organziation bringing free medical care to millions of Americans that lack medical insurance, and finally Anderson Cooper tells the human story behind a world class athlete, soccer superstar David Beckham.
Published: Jul 6, 08Anderson Cooper visits the Congo, where mountain gorillas trapped in the cross hairs of a decade-long civil war are threatened with extinction. Meanwhile, former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith tells Steve Kroft that the war in Iraq was a preemptive move. Morley Safer asks whether keeping the penny is pennywise. And finally, Andy Rooney takes an old fashioned approach to contemporary art.
Published: Jun 29, 08Iraqi Christians are in danger now more than ever. Facing harder times that under Saddam Hussein's reign, Iraqi Christians are forced to worship in secret services. 60 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley reports. Individuals are now able to trace their ancestry back hundreds of years using samples of DNA. 60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl reports. 60 Minutes Correspondent Steve Kroft speaks with entertainment icon, Will Smith, on his successful career and resilient work ethic.
Published: Jun 22, 0860 Minutes Correspondent Scott Pelley reports on the controversial U.S. sponsored Arabic news channel, Al Hura. 60 Minutes Correspondent Anderson Cooper reports on Plumpy-nut -- a breakthrough in curing malnutrition. 60 Minutes Correspondent Leslie Stahl reports on the extreme effort to get Salmon upstream and safely out of the way of dangerous dams. 60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney discusses the changing landscape of fruit over the years.
Published: Jun 15, 08Leslie Stahl reports on how poor quality sleep can due damage to your metabolism, memory and other body functions. Morley Safer reports on the happiest country in the world: Denmark.
Published: Jun 8, 08Sugar, corn and metal can cause catastrophic explosions when in dust form as Scott Pelley reports. Leslie Stahl reports on the Howard Hughes many people dont know, and the medical insititute he helped create. Byron Pitts reports on minister Joel Osteen and the "prosperity gospel" he preaches to thousands of followers.
Published: Jun 1, 08Katie Couric speaks with Chicago Police Officer Keith Herrera who is charged with committing crimes on the very streets he protects. David Martin explores first-hand, the innovative technology of the Pentagon's ray gun. Leslie Stahl visits with business tycoon Tom Perkins to tour his mega-yacht. Andy Rooney nears his 1000th 60 Minutes commentary.
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